View Profile Billy-Bean
Trying to get a little better known as a voice actor around here. If you need a voice actor for anything at all, just send me a PM, and I'll audition for it. (I also Voice Act for free)

Leonard O'Keefe @Billy-Bean

Age 35, Male

Voice Actor

College of the North Atlantic

Canada, AB

Joined on 4/25/06

Exp Points:
6,796 / 6,940
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.69 votes
Pvt. First Class
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

Billy-Bean's News

Posted by Billy-Bean - January 26th, 2009

isn't he just cuuuuttteee...

also this summer i will be working with a REAL radio broadcast all over a certain little province i live in, so long r4d10, adios.


Posted by Billy-Bean - January 3rd, 2009

Yup. So, I met this guy who owns this online radio cast, r4d10, and decided to fuck off spamming Newgrounds to start advertising his website here. In case you didn't know, the user r4d10 is a shared account between me and Kent, the DJ/owner of The Shit List of r4d10. We're using that account just so that you'll know if it's an official episode when you see it as the main author of a The Shit List episode. Of course, we won't be 'animating' EVERY episode, so, you guys should try going to the official website, which is at r4d10's account, listening to the episodes (there's currently 17 i think), and voting right here or on the chat what one you want animated first. In case none of you knew, my name is Leo, so that's the name that people mock me on in the episodes and what my name is on the official chat (apparently I am a power hungry super-Nazi. Lol. so yeah you should all give that a look at, episode 15 is me myself ranting about pretty much everybody on the internet. I MIGHT submit like maybe one or two spam flashes a MONTH (maybe) and I still don't mind getting co-authored on some flashes, but don't expect to much from me in that category anymore. My next submission will be 2008: 113 Flashes, then The Shit List Ep 7.5 (requested by Kent). You guys can also submit your crap about whoever you like to, someone from JungleSpot(cool chatsite, you should give it a shot) or on Newgrounds, these will be our main target websites from which users can submit crap on whoever they like.


Posted by Billy-Bean - December 23rd, 2008

And it feels sooooo good. How did you find this last almost year without me? Was it comforting?

I'm baaaaccckkk

Posted by Billy-Bean - November 24th, 2008

i have finally returned to this wonderful land after months of service in the underground army. i had to fight and kill 687 festive creatures, 1700 trees on runescape, and a shoe, but it was well worth it to return to my profile space on newgrounds and make a retarded entry that means fuck all. does this mean ill make more tta's now? probably not, those are gay you know.


Posted by Billy-Bean - August 17th, 2008

Are you getting fed up with the long wait for Newgrounds chat to finally become operational again? I know I am.

So me and my friends decided, to hell with it, why not make our own place for Newgrounds to chill out and chat, while we're waiting for the official chat to be made?

Chill-Chat.tk is the name, #Newgrounders is the room. Check it out!

The rules in the room are very limited, so you'll just be able to lounge around and talk to some of your favorite Newgrounders instantly!

Tired of those annoying added conversations on MSN?

At chill-chat.tk, you can let all your friends in, and not have to deal with those annoying nudges or sounds!

You can even get your very own room registered!

mIRC user? /SERVER

Try it out!

***All server rooms have an anti-popup rule, but not #Newgrounders!

So, why wait? Try out chill-chat.tk, or /SERVER 207,44,146,243 now!

Posted by Billy-Bean - August 4th, 2008

i am a pokemon master!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:< also im gay

oh mi gawd

Posted by Billy-Bean - February 16th, 2008

TTA will once again be leaving Newgrounds, but by the hands of the evil overlord, but by my own hands.

But something has risen from the dust of our fallen foe...

The ATT (About The Truth).

Also going to be making some AU (And You).

Basically, same shit, different name. The fun never stops.

Posted by Billy-Bean - December 23rd, 2007


To apply for the TTA, register your account and go to "Applications" under "Join the TTA." Copy the application then make a new topic under "New Members." Paste the application and answer the questions.

*** We as a group do not cheat to make our flashes pass, they pass because of users who think 'TTA omg thats a free protect point' ***


Posted by Billy-Bean - December 21st, 2007

That's so fucking awesome Bad Man, grats on getting another weekly and HOLY FUCK MY THEME GOT WEEKLY 4TH LMFAO!!

My Theme Song got Weekly 4th!!

Posted by Billy-Bean - December 14th, 2007

I'd just like to give the HUGEST FUCKING SHOUTOUT EVER to Bad Man Incorporated for making the Billy Bean Theme Song!! Funniest shit ever man, greatly appreciated!! \m/